Saturday, December 24, 2011

I only had ten seconds to push the button and get into each pose. I anticipate growing in these poses a lot in the next year.
Revolving Triangle
 Seated Wide Leg
 Up Dog
 Modified Plank
 Side Crow
 Side Crow
 Shoulder Stand

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I am on a Yoga journey and I am keeping track of what is going on. So far, I am in the midst of my certification with Yoga Alliance 200 hour level. The class is at Health Advantage Yoga Center which is where my favorite yoga instructor got her certification.

My asanas are a work in progress. I will share some pictures of where I am now, so I can compare them next fall. This blog is going to be things that have stuck out to me on this journey: quotes, pictures, thoughts, sayings, etc.

If you know me and/or are interested in Yoga then it might be fun to follow! Cheers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So this is an update. I am not sure the purpose of this blog...

Monday, December 21, 2009

So much to do!!!

It is crazy how many things I have to do and it is almost Christmas vacation time. I am excited about having Simon Sinek come in February. I also wish I has some interns to go to networking events for and with me and do some research. I also need to write a requirement doc for our new website.

Recently, I have learned doing the hard thing, is hard, but completely pays off in the end. I just did a very hard thing and this would have changed my life for the worse if it had gone bad, but I just did it and the rewards maybe life changing and may last a lifetime.

"Silent night, Holy night, All is calm, All is bright..."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The funny thing about writing...

A funny thing I have noticed about writing is, when things in my life are happening I want to write it all down but I do not have time. However, when things are moving, ... well slower, I have time to write but not as much to write.

All this to say, a lot has happened since my last post. I am still on a journey but my role has changed. I have changed my focus from becoming a Project Manager to being a media specialist with some advanced and complicated admin jobs.

I have recently been recording and editing videos. I love it. I like being my energetic self and getting people to come out and have fun on camera. I have been to the Mac store twice to improve my video editing knowledge. (It is SO much easier now to do video editing than it was in college!)

Most importantly... I am feeling whole and balanced everyday. I am almost always happy. I have weeded out things in my life that were slowing me down. I am in complete control of my life and what happens and that is a very cool power. It may seem obvious but I can do anything, I can create anything and I will accomplish whatever I put my mind to. I know this as truth and experience it as power.

My emails are more patient towards people now then they were 3 weeks ago. My mood and state of mind is steady when talking with others. I am bubbling over with excitement over the elevator interviews I am going to conduct. I also had an idea yesterday for a non-profit I want to start. Yay!

There is a huge movement about the best ways to have a balanced life. People are constantly talking about energy, living better, smarter and having more free time. The idea is to do it all smarter so you have more free time to be happier.

Free time is not what excites me. My work excites me. The morning on a weekday excites me... I am working now and it is 10pm on a Wednesday night. One of my favorite bands is playing right now and I am only 23 and I am totally content staying here. When your work is in line with your WHY(purpose) then you do not need more time or a balanced life to be happy.

I am experiencing what my Boss and dear friend has taught me and it is incredible.
