Friday, October 23, 2009

"I know I am right."

Do you ever find yourself thinking this to your boss. "I know I am right about...." you fill in the blank. Of course you think that, we all do. The awesome thing about my relationship with my boss is, if I find out that I do not agree with him, I am probably wrong. I can know this, accept this and still be happy being wrong.

I took a social media class today; which was awesome. The class was great, yes, but I discovered another thing about myself that my boss has known for who knows how long; I love social media. I love getting on Facebook and looking my friends images. I love getting on twitter and sharing links. I am learning how awesome youtube is for marketing. I mean this topic excites me so much my socks come off!

I believe it was about 8 months ago when I was asked if I wanted to be our companies social media expert. I should have said, "HELL YEAH!" It was given to someone else and now here I am learning it anyways and loving it.

I defiantly had those, "I know I am right" moments, but it is nice to grow, mature and realize ...

I AM PROBABLY NOT IN THE RIGHT ALL THE TIME.  I should have started Social Media eight months ago!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The journey continues

I am currently editing and writing content for our website. It is fun... it is our guideline for the company. If we do anything in the next year that isn't about those three things then we are off track. It is going to be our meter. Dahyu is helping people every week, I want to too. I hope people come to me for advice someday- today and I want to be free to help them... and I finally feel like I am in a place to do that because my life is controllable and manageable because I made it that way. Pretty cool stuff.

I am not talking about taking someone somewhere or little errands. I am talking about true, life changing help. He is going to help someone this week figure out their WHY. Your WHY is your purpose in life. That is what you should make all your decisions based upon. Does this help me with my WHY? Will it move me forward towards my goals and life.

People do not understand that their life can be anything they make of it. Think about that.

Anyways, I want to help people which is why I am helping Dahyu out because he is out helping people. Hopefully I'll be able to do both one day. Peace.