Friday, October 23, 2009

"I know I am right."

Do you ever find yourself thinking this to your boss. "I know I am right about...." you fill in the blank. Of course you think that, we all do. The awesome thing about my relationship with my boss is, if I find out that I do not agree with him, I am probably wrong. I can know this, accept this and still be happy being wrong.

I took a social media class today; which was awesome. The class was great, yes, but I discovered another thing about myself that my boss has known for who knows how long; I love social media. I love getting on Facebook and looking my friends images. I love getting on twitter and sharing links. I am learning how awesome youtube is for marketing. I mean this topic excites me so much my socks come off!

I believe it was about 8 months ago when I was asked if I wanted to be our companies social media expert. I should have said, "HELL YEAH!" It was given to someone else and now here I am learning it anyways and loving it.

I defiantly had those, "I know I am right" moments, but it is nice to grow, mature and realize ...

I AM PROBABLY NOT IN THE RIGHT ALL THE TIME.  I should have started Social Media eight months ago!

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